
Mission Accomplished On the 25 th of March 2022 somewhere above the Indian Ocean I penned the first post for Adventures with Harvey.  Today I sit here at Heathrow Airport more than 19 months and 65 blog posts later… and we’re finally at the end.  It’s rather emotional really, hard to believe it’s all over but also with a tremendous sense of anticipation at the thought of arriving home to see our friends & family, the country and home that we love so much. How does one begin to summarise an experience as diverse and rich as this?  Almost everyone we bump into asks us what the highlight is and to be honest, it’s almost an impossible question to answer.  How does one compare staying on an old Soviet collective farm in Lithuania with visiting a magnificent cathedral in Seville?  Or weigh up being hosted, fed and watered for several days by a beautiful Italian family with cycling to the top of the hilltop fort in Dubrovnik?  On the train today from Gloucester to Paddington we tried
  It’s Paris… and rugby!!! The excitement within Harvey was palpable as we made our way from our last stop in Orléans towards the big city of Paris and a date with destiny.  Yes, the All Blacks were fated for an almighty clash with Ireland, the number one team in the world, at Stade de France.  All our readers will by now know the outcome of that match however please allow us to tell the story and our time surrounding it from a first-hand account.  But before that… Orléans is a lovely town with a magnificent cathedral – most of these towns have something similar however this building would have to be right up there with the best of them.  Scale, grandeur, and magnificence with a cavernous & ornate interior – and from the outside, just breathtaking!  As we’ve done so many times before, we Woodies spent a few hours wandering the streets, checking out the riverfront and finishing up at a little bar in the main hospitality precinct.  Here we had cause to pause and reflect over a co