Stratford-upon-Avon… Finally off exploring! It’s more work than you would think to fit out a motorhome with 18 months of full-time living in mind! It pretty much took us 3 full days, the first involved clearing out every cupboard, shelf, external storage bin and every other nook and cranny you could think of. Then figuring out what is needed and what can be discarded. Day 2 was pretty much a day of shopping (FUN!), the Bullring is Birmingham’s main shopping mall and would be at least as large as 277 in Newmarket. We were delighted to sort out local SIM cards and a few other items before heading for the much larger-footprint retailers for linen, camping supplies and a load of other bits & pieces. I’m sure if Anita was writing this blog the detail would be somewhat less general however she seems to be suffering from jetlag a little worse than your author this evening… so unfortunately she is in bed and you’re stuck with me for now 😀...