Imperial Cities here we come! It’s fair to say that, in the past, taking a guided tour hasn’t been the style of travel preferred by your two faithful correspondents. We have done them twice in the past, but both in countries where self-guided is more difficult and/or there is a load of history which you may miss much of the detail and context without a guide (Egypt and Turkey). However on this occasion it’s actually a really nice break from navigating, driving, and constantly having to figure out where you’re going next. This tour also takes in huge amounts of history which you would never be able to research yourself so, at the end of the day, we’re rapt to be underway with our Imperial Capitals Tour, currently in Prague with 31deg outside! The day after our last blog edition started in rural South Wales and ended in Munich - it was a long day with a bus, 2 trains and a delayed flight however we finally fell into bed just after 2am. There was less than half a da...