
Showing posts from August, 2022
Schloss, Sauerkraut and Sunshine Have any of you heard of Br ü hl, Remagen or Koblenz?   Or indeed Phantasialand?   By all means reply in the comments if you have because they were places neither your faithful correspondent nor his lovely wife had previously come across.   But they are all fantastic little towns which have been a treat to visit… oh yes, and the last one is a theme park 😊 .   We are just entering a region of Germany known as Eifel which starts at Bonn (former capital of West Germany before reunification) and takes in a large swathe of area in a south and westerly direction.   For us, that means we’ll be following the River Rhine pretty much in a southerly direction from there. After a lovely couple of days in Aachen, and after quite some head scratching, we headed for Cologne.   It was hard to know which of the big cities in this area were worth a visit because there were plenty to choose from!   Within 150km or so of Aachen you also have the cities of Bonn (to the
Getting back on the horse Greetings one and all.  Yes, Adventures With Harvey is back and if you’ve been wondering where we’ve been for the last month, the answer is Antwerp.   Belgium has been our home for far longer than we expected, in fact precisely one month extra.   Anita’s accident happened on our 6 th day in Belgium (and due to be our second to last), the final duration of our stay ended up being 5 weeks. The big question I’m sure you’re all wanting to know is how is Anita doing?!?   The answer is pretty well actually.   It’s now around 24 days since her operation and she’s getting better every day.   The swelling has completely gone and the bruises are fading by the day however the pesky pain, although much reduced, is still her constant companion.   Each day Anita does plenty of exercises, and your author now wears a new hat; amateur physiotherapist, helping her each day with stretches and working to increase mobility.   Anita is so incredibly resilient and I couldn’t be