Navigators and Earthquakes Hands up who’s heard of Prince Henry the Navigator? OK, let’s make it a bit easier… Who’s heard of Christopher Columbus? Ah that’s better, I see a whole load of hands in the air. Well read on because later in this edition you’ll find out why Henry was arguably more critical to discovering the Americas than Se ñ or Columbus! But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s back the truck up and pick up where we left off last time – those of you with a good memory will recall that was Tavira, Portugal, just over the border from Spain. In the end we spent 8 nights there in our little carpark under the bridge, it was just so lovely to remain in the same spot and get to know a town and surrounds. While there your author enjoyed exploring the nearby villages of Santa Luzia and Cacela Velha by bicycle (at times some destinations can be a little too far for those in the pink corner to cycle), but mainly it was relaxing, exploring, watchi...