The Strawberry Farm Chance meetings leading to new friendships and the kindness of strangers are already among our most treasured memories from this trip. You may recall in the last blog how we met Giovanni and his friends in Sperlonga and spent a delightful evening with them. Well, our next planned stop was Naples and the surrounding area and when Giovanni heard this he was most insistent that we come and stay on his parents’ strawberry farm. So along with Hendrik, Jacqueline and Frankie (our Dutch travel buddies and their little green motorhome) we accepted his kind offer and made our way to the farm. Getting there was an adventure in itself with at least two signs telling us Harvey wouldn’t fit. However the old chap can suck his belly in when required and after walking through to check we wouldn’t get stuck we squeaked through without damage to any extremities. After a tour of the farm that evening we were treated to a feast which Anita has firmly stated...