Trulli Unique “How can the headline be spelled wrong?” I hear my learned audience cry! Because it’s actually spelled correctly – yes, Trulli are a particular type of house which is unique to the Puglia region of Southern Italy. They’re funny looking little dwellings with conical stone roofs making you think they may be inhabited by a gnome or an elf. For those of you who don’t know, Puglia is the region of Italy that is the ‘heel of the boot’ and in many places you’ll see these little Trulli houses as you drive about the countryside. The most famous town for Trulli is Alberobello where there are several hundred of them, well justifying the town’s UNESCO World Heritage Status. This edition will be a little different as we attempt to provide some insights into life on the road with the Travelling Woodies. Since our last blog we have visited some very special places however for many of them, the photos tell the story. I’ll be sure to provide locat...