From the North Sea to the Mediterranean Sea With Paris done and dusted for now and our next rugby game not until September 29 in Lyon, there was plenty of time for a bit more exploring with Belgium being our next target. Last year we visited Ghent however that was during their annual festival and the town was an absolute zoo! A fun zoo, but total chaos all the same with about a dozen music stages set up and what seemed like a million people. Although the weather was changeable this time, the town was still magnificent with waterways, churches, cobbled streets and the most stunning architecture. Team pink actually got caught in a thunderstorm and ended up sheltering under a bridge and making friends with some (thankfully friendly and harmless) homeless people! One nearby part of the world held a high level of interest mainly because of its name – yes, we’re talking about the province of Zeeland in southern Holland. Although the spelling is different, thi...