
Showing posts from October, 2023
  It’s Paris… and rugby!!! The excitement within Harvey was palpable as we made our way from our last stop in Orléans towards the big city of Paris and a date with destiny.  Yes, the All Blacks were fated for an almighty clash with Ireland, the number one team in the world, at Stade de France.  All our readers will by now know the outcome of that match however please allow us to tell the story and our time surrounding it from a first-hand account.  But before that… Orléans is a lovely town with a magnificent cathedral – most of these towns have something similar however this building would have to be right up there with the best of them.  Scale, grandeur, and magnificence with a cavernous & ornate interior – and from the outside, just breathtaking!  As we’ve done so many times before, we Woodies spent a few hours wandering the streets, checking out the riverfront and finishing up at a little bar in the main hospitality precinct.  Here we had cause to pause and reflect over a co
Winding up and winding down! Greetings one and all and welcome once again to this exciting edition of Adventures with Harvey.  As we approach the end of this epic adventure we are motivated to make the most of every moment, to soak it all in… to be present.  The last couple of weeks have been extremely social, thankfully a little less driving, and of course a couple of rugby games thrown in for good measure.  So grab a beverage of your choice and settle in for the latest report. Our few days at Saint-Maxime were filled with the most excellent company, some of it expected and some a delightful surprise.  Our first visitor was Nina, our good friend from New Zealand who was unexpectedly nearby due to a family bereavement – for some reason in England it takes 2-3 weeks between someone’s passing and their funeral so Nina had a few spare days during which she happily decided to track us down.  We’ve had the most agreeable weather these last couple of weeks, mid-high 20’s each day and cle