Bunkers, Breweries and (thankfully) no Breakdowns! Good morning one and all, this exciting edition of ‘Adventures with Harvey’ comes to you from Hamburg, Germany’s second biggest city. It’s been a busy week with plenty to report so grab your cuppa and buckle in for the ride 😊 I imagine that only a few of you will have heard of Afsluitdijk however it is certainly a marvel of man’s ingenuity and engineering. Constructed in the 1920’s and 30’s and measuring 32km long, this dyke connects the western and northern provinces of The Netherlands, turning 1100km 2 of ocean into a freshwater lake in the process. Why am I telling you all of this? Firstly, because we drove across it (seeing a huge windmill farm on the water through the mist) but also because we spent a night in the town of Hoorn. For those who haven’t visited, this sleepy little town might remind you a little of Russell. Cute, quaint, on the waterfront and a fun little place to visit....