Winter Wonderland… and SNOW! The last week or two has only been about one thing – Christmas markets! Well 2 things actually, the other is heading south to find some warmer weather. If your author likes rugby and tank museums, his lovely travelling companion is a Christmas junkie, she just can’t get enough of it! Europe has been in the grip of an unseasonably cold snap with temperatures more than 6deg lower than usual at this time of the year so we’ve had to accelerate our southward journey however more on that shortly, let me start where we last left off… We only had one night in Liverpool plus a few hours the following morning and didn’t arrive until after the sun had well & truly set – which is actually not all that late, we’re approaching the shortest day of the year and it’s daylight here from only around 8am to 4pm each day. Few people will argue that Liverpool’s most famous export is The Beatles so off we went to see what we could learn. The ve...